Corporate Registration

Welcome to the WebHotelier B2B registration page for newly authorised members.

Louis Hotels | 5/4* Hotels in Cyprus & Greece is a member of WebHotelier B2B properties. Register now to apply for cooperation.

By registering here, you become a member of WebHotelier B2B Club. This gives you the opportunity to also connect with hundrends of other hotels using WebHotelier as their official booking engine and are open for B2B cooperation worldwide.

Rates provided via WebHotelier B2B are official rates payable to the hotel by the registered corporation.
Corporate rates provided by the hotels are strictly for business travel and can be also booked by travel agents working as a liaison for companies. In this case, the agents must first negotiate their commission with each hotel and their commission will be provided 'offline' directly from the hotel.

Louis Hotels | 5/4* Hotels in Cyprus & Greece // 22 properties

Create an account


This registration is unique for your company and is only made ONCE for WebHotelier B2B.

Your registration will fail if there is already an account with the same user email, company email or company name.

New Account

The following will be used as your login credentials to our system

The email address will also be used as your username

Your Personal Information

Company Information
In case you are a branch/local office part of a wider group/chain, add your location or another identifier to uniquelly distinguish your name (e.g. Tsiou Cola - Melbourne Branch).
Reservations will be delivered to this email


Prove you’re not a robot

Secure password tips:

  • Use at least 8 characters, a combination of numbers and letters is best.
  • Do not use the same password you have used with us previously.
  • Do not use dictionary words, your name, e-mail address, or other personal information that can be easily obtained.
  • Do not use the same password for multiple online accounts.

Multi-user support:

  • After making your intitial registration, you can create serarate user accounts for each user of your office.
  • Each user will have it's own login credentials for WebHotelier B2B